Our holsters are designed to fit all Icarus models seamlessly. Currently, we offer the following options:
Right-Handed IWB Quick Ship Builder: Available for all Icarus models, providing a snug and comfortable fit for inside-the-waistband carry.
Left-Handed IWB Quick Ship Builder: Also available for all Icarus models, tailored for left-handed users who prefer IWB carry.
Right-Handed IWB Lightbearing Quick Ship Builder: Specifically designed for Icarus models equipped with the TLR-7/A and TLR-7 SUB 1913 lights, ensuring proper fit and function.
Left-Handed IWB Lightbearing Quick Ship Builder: Available for Icarus models with the TLR-7 SUB 1913 light, offering reliable retention and ease of draw.
Each option is crafted to meet the specific needs of Icarus owners, whether you prefer standard IWB carry or require a light-bearing solution.